
Oct 29, 2008

Golf Business - October 2008

In October 2008, Golf Business magazine writes about Evo as a "Bright Idea." Author David Gould reports about the success that GlenArbor Club in Beford Hills, New York is having with Evo Flattop Grills. Chef Carey Favreau reports that Evo becomes the star of the show at the club's open-air dining events where "people are always around the grill."

Chef Carey reports that the club is not only entertaining and feeding guests with style, but also saving money through less food waste and less expense on other types of equipment like hot transfer/storage equipment, chafing dishes, charcoal grated grills, cassette burners and additional fuel.

Oct 20, 2008

Everyday Dish on FOX TV - Grilled Salad

Julie Hasson from Everyday Dish prepares grilled hearts of romaine salad on Evo on the "Better Portland" show on the Fox television affiliate in Portland. The host says "this is the coolest grill I've ever seen." Julie sears the lettuce and croutons at the same time.

Oct 10, 2008

Bill Hansen's Catering Newsletter - October 2008

Bill Hansen, catering legend, wrote about Evo in his October 2008 Newsletter.

For more than 10 years, Bill Hansen has offered the Leading Caterers of America website as a service to catering professionals and for people looking to find a caterer for their special event. Bill Hansen caters, coordinates, trains, teaches, motivates, manages, and writes. His Bill Hansen Catering generates nearly $2 million in annual sales. During his career, Hansen has catered thousands of events and served millions of people including Pope John Paul II and three U. S. Presidents. As an instructor at Florida International University, Hansen has taught Catering Management, since 1990, and he wrote Off-Premise Catering Management, which many consider to be the definitive text on the subject.