
May 13, 2008

Catersource Magazine - May/June 2008

Catersource Magazine's May/June 2008 edition featured an article on outdoor cooking, which discusses the popularity of live cooking demonstrations. "Ever since the Food Network hit the culinary scene...people have gained a newfound affinity for watching chefs cook and perform on the fly."

Said Vicki Vaughn, owner of California-based Perfect Taste, Inc. Catering & Events: "We have four Evo grills and all our guests love them; they've never seen anything like it before and many want to know where they can get a grill like ours. But what guests really respond to is the fact that they see the food cooking, they hear it sizzling, they smell it and it's an all around experience."

Vaughn goes on to discuss the versatility of Evo and the benefit of having her chefs come out and perform in front of guests.

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